Muneeba Badar
Oct 23, 2020

Amal Experience is one of the memorable experiences in my life where I have learned a lot of things. I still remember the first two weeks where I have learned new things like knowing yourself, Finding your Why, Specify your Goals, Letter of Gratitude (an amazing activity), and Amal Values.

Every fellow is super amazing and supportive. Ma’am Zarafshan and ma’am Zaryab both Program Managers were so nice and humble. I remember the activity where everyone telling the story behind their names and wish Ma’am Zarafshan for her birthday.

Amal teaches how to convey your ideas effectively, the most important things that I have learned in my writing skills by writing the Medium Blogs which was a horrible experience for me in the initial stage because I am a person not interested in writing blogs, reports, documents, etc but later on I got confidence, write the things up and I see my better version in writing skills after practices(done Projects works) and thanks Amal for this because this was very helpful for me.

Amal helps students to show their hidden talent, provides space for them, and helps them to find a better version of students. Amal helps to build my confidence by making a video intro, discussions in the breakout room, collaboration with the learning groups, and lots more.

Amal Journey is one of the best journeys in my life where everyone appreciates your every little effort, support you. Everyone has a unique personality and I learned a lot of things from my Amal Family.

Thanks, Amal Academy and Double Z Ma’am group For this astonishing and unforgettable Fellowship.

