#Positive Reflection

Muneeba Badar
2 min readOct 9, 2020

Every day presents an opportunity to improve ourselves as individuals. Sure, there are terrible things going on in the world. We can influence some of those things but ultimately they are out of our control. The only thing we are truly in control of is how we deal with ourselves and the world?. Adopt a positive attitude. Whenever things get tough or look hopeless, try to see the bright side of it all. There is always a bright side. It just takes a little effort and practice to see it. No matter what, you have to keep moving forward

Amal is one of the best journeys of my life where I have learned a lot more things. Every activity either it is the interaction with my teacher's ma’am Zarafshan and ma’am Zaryab or with my fellows is the opportunity to learn and improve myself.

Both my teachers are really kind and super supportive. Ma’am Zarafshan’s support where she always encourages me that I can handle the workload of both fellowship and university studies and Ma’am Zaryab’s effort to keep participating in the sessions.

But if I talk about the instance that had the most impact on me is the support of my circle Leader Huma Anwar.

She is a very kind nature leader. when I have my final exams and I have a lot of university works and projects to be submitted along with my fellowship PW. Huma always asks me muneeba how’re your exams going? Don’t worry just focus on your exam we will manage it.

It gave me positive energy to get things done effectively. She could ask that you have to fully participate in the activity at that time but she understands the situation and cooperates efficiently.

It was a very nice gesture from her. Because most of the people try to judge the next person without recognizing his/her duties and problems which results in a messy and unhealthy environment.

IN SHAA ALLAH I will try to do the same in my FYP group as a leader just as huma did and creates a friendly environment among my team members understand them and cooperate with them efficiently.

